1. Braveheart Video Clip Your Review This movie is the total package. It has something for everybody. The most important things in the movie are the ending and a good combination between action, suspence, and romance. This movie has all those. This is a tale of vengeance and of love. Two parts of this movie choke me up everytime that I watch them, one is when he calls out freedom. The other is his speech to the men convincing them to fight. This is the best speech in any movie. Overall Rating: 9.8
2. Armageddon Video Clip Your Review Just like Braveheart this movie has everything. Parts you will laugh and parts you will cry. This movie would be the best of all time if maybe one less thing went wrong up in space. Everything possible goes wrong and them some. There are times when I watch this movie that it just amazes me how good it is. Everything from the effects to the action to the love. The characters are all distinct and different making them all rememberable. Overall Rating: 9.8
3. The Sixth Sense Video Clip Your Review The sixth sense was a movie that was eerie enough to scare you but interesting enough to catch you wondering why this is happening to this boy. What makes the sixth sense so good is that this boy realizes that this is a power he has and not to be scared of it. When he can embrace these demons then Bruce Willis job is done, but the boy then needs to help Bruce Willis realize that he himself is dead. This is one of the best endings to a movie I have ever seen. Overall Rating: 9.7 4. The Usual Suspects Video Clip Your Review This was a great movie, a movie whre they never really reveal to you exactly what happened. They only give you Kevin Spacey and the detectives story. The best part about this movie is the ending. This movie has the best ending of any movie I have ever seen. Kevin Spacey plays an awesome role and he has you convinced until the last second of the movie. Overall Rating: 9.7 5. Memento Video Clip Your Review This movie has officially moved into my top ten. A great movie about a man who loses his short term memory but still wants to find the murderer of his wife. He uses photographs and tatoos to keep the facts straight. This movie goes completely backwards in sequential order. The great thing about this movie is that they shock you with a new twist and then explain how it happened. What I don't understand is how Leonard can remember the story of what really happened to his wife. This movie has a surprise ending that leaves your jaw open. Overall Rating: 9.7 |